Thursday 26 March 2015

Trev's retirement

Well, that was another rather long, unplanned hiatus. This is probably a one-off too, so expect another sizable delay until the next update! Having worked at Osney for 39 years now, Trev is officially retiring tomorrow, and Doc has coerced persuaded all the post-docs to contribute some form of dessert to the celebrations. I thought it would be nice to do something a little different, so I'm doing a triple-quantities batch of bacon cookies, but without walnuts again.

This time around, I decided to fry the bacon off in its own fat. It needed an additional chunk of butter to kickstart the frying process still. Can you feel the artery-hardening tastiness yet?
 Wow, that's a lot of bacon. It's an entire pack (10 rashers).
The sensible thing to do would have been to fry it off in small batches. Obviously, I'm far too lazy to do that...
Getting there - this took rather a lot longer to drive off the moisture than I expected. See how much it cooks down though!
And there we are!
No way I was going to let all this goodness go to waste. This got deglazed with water and reduced down to about 2tbsp of liquid, which got added to the batter along with the honey and vanilla.
Part of the first batch ready for the oven. Obviously this will all stick together, but I don't have enough baking trays to let me space them out more without needing a million batches.
They look good, don't they? I just hope that people like them, otherwise I'm going to be left with a heck of a lot of leftovers!