Wednesday 14 October 2009

Verdict: Tarte tatin and chocolate bites

Oh my word! The tarte tatin was amazing! Absolutely gorgeous taste, just of apples, apples and more apples. The pastry was fine, though not spectacular in any way, but the filling was spot on - not sickly sweet. The fact that the apples didn't fit into a single layer in the frying pan meant that some of the apples were cooked to a wonderfully soft pulp while others were still soft but also had a little texture to them. A really, really delightful combination. This tart just screams for vanilla ice cream, but alas I didn't have any.

The chocolate bites were fine, though naturally they were nowhere near the tarte tatin for satisfaction. They were exactly as you'd expect chocolate wrapped in a sweet shortcrust pastry to be like, though the melted chocolate interior was actually really nice. They did work a heck of a lot better than I had expected - though I suspect that as soon as they cool down and the chocolate solidifies a lot of their appeal will be lost. But anyway, not a bad use for the leftover dough given that they took about 20 seconds to make!


  1. Ooh! Your tarte tatin looks rather delicious. Bit upside-down though ;-).

    The mixed texture of apples sounds really good. I'm starting to be of the opinion that if you want to use cooking apples in desserts you need some real apples in there so you get that mixed soft pulp / some texture combo. Spices - Cinnamon?

    Apple pie and vanilla ice-cream - winning combo.

    I liked the chocolate bite ideas. Shortcrust pastry makes good cheese-straw type snacks too.

  2. Yeah, I had thought about cinnamon, but only after it was in the oven. And yes, it is sort of upside-down, but I don't have a frying pan that can go in the oven... and I do have a flan ring that I quite like using that gives really pretty results!

    Shortcrust pastry may well make good cheese straws, but I suspect sweet shortcrust would make for some very strange cheese straws...
