Wednesday 28 January 2009

Cookies revisited

I'm off to meet up with my friend Frances for a pint in a minute. Frances, for those who don't know, is the author of the wonderful books Fly By Night, Verdigris Deep (US title: Well Witched) and Gullstruck Island (US title: The Lost Conspiracy). If you're fluent in German, Fly By Night has also been translated into German and is titled Die Herrin der Worte. Now, when I asked her to sign my copy of Fly By Night, she hid under a table. Since I'm planning on asking her to sign my copies of both Verdigris Deep and Gullstruck Island tonight, I thought I'd better bring her a peace offering.

I also bought a new set of scales last weekend - this time, electronic digital ones. Hopefully it'll mean a bit more accuracy with weighing out (though the fact that it's precise to 1 gram means I get a bit obsessive with weighing things out exactly) and maybe fewer incidents where I misread the scales.

So here we go, another batch of cookies, this time made with the correct amount of flour. The recipe can be found here. I'd run out of suitable chocolate, so instead there's about half of a plain chocolate Chocolate Orange in there instead. Purely out of interest, I decided to weigh how much chocolate and almonds I put in (normally I do this by eye). It turns out I used about 60g chocolate and 50g almonds, so a bit more than the recipe suggests.If you've not already read them, go and get yourself a copy of Frances' books. They are great!

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