Friday 14 August 2009

Do earwigs make chutney?

I'm visiting Tracey and Denise tomorrow and I had promised (quite some time ago) that I'd make a slab of cinder toffee/honeycomb for them when I did. So here we go!

Cinder Toffee/Honeycomb
  • 200g Caster sugar
  • 3 tbsp Golden syrup
  • 1 heaped tsp Bicarbonate of soda
  1. Put the sugar and golden syrup into a pan and heat gently to the hard crack stage (153C).
  2. Add the bicarbonate of soda and whisk through with a balloon whisk.
  3. Pour out onto a teflon baking sheet or a large sheet of oiled kitchen foil and allow to cool.
  4. When cool and fully set, shatter into manageable pieces.
Easy, isn't it? Well, it is if you have a sugar thermometer. You can do it well without one (the sugar changes to a really deep brown just around the right temperature), but the hard crack stage isn't far off caramel and burning - and as soon as you've burned the sugar even slightly, the whole thing tastes burnt and you may as well throw it away and start over. Trust me, it's happened to me before.

Here's the honeycomb just starting to cool.And here it is fully set. As you can see, it deflates quite a bit.


  1. Looks yummy. If only they had golden syrup in this country!

  2. Well, you don't actually need the golden syrup - it's just for a bit more flavour. I daresay substituting corn syrup or honey would work pretty darned well too though. But I'd also bet that plain sugar cinder toffee would be pretty good too.
