Sunday 20 September 2009

Verdict: Peach, apple and grapefruit crumble

Pretty good really. I had been worried that it wouldn't be sweet enough, but the sweetness was pretty nicely balanced. The grapefruit worked really well and the peach was lovely - though I probably should have cut the apples a bit smaller; the apple peel was a little disconcerting. The overall flavour was excellent, I thought. The crumble top was a little bit mushy, but not too bad. Some seeds and oats would probably have helped that - and I probably shouldn't have made it quite so fine. But actually, it was quite a success!


  1. I'd say that you wound up with a cobbler, not a crumble, just looking at the picture and your description of it. Have you tried using a plain granola for the topping? It browns up really nicely, goes crunch, and tastes nice.

    Also, rhubarb and apples. I'm jes' sayin...

  2. Possibly. To me, I think the top for a cobbler is a bit more like a batter though, so I would still say it's a crumble rather than a cobbler, just not a very interesting crumble.

    Anyway, the odd choice of fruit was mainly due to being limited to what I could get in the CoOp on a Saturday afternoon. Also, the original decision to bake a crumble had come from the idea of making a mango crumble (which I maintain would work really well), so I wanted to do something a bit more exotic than rhubarb!
